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Riley in Spain for Mango

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1Riley in Spain for Mango Empty Riley in Spain for Mango 01.05.09 21:21



Mango, bodas de plata de un imperio

Teresa Berengueras y Rafa Esteve-Casanova

Históricamente Catalunya ha sido desde siempre un país fabril, aquí fue uno de los puntos de inicio de la revolución industrial y el maquinismo y ya durante los años de la I Guerra Mundial los ciudadanos se dividieron entre germanófilos y aliadófilos al tiempo que la burguesía catalana en sus palcos del Gran Teatre del Liceu distribuía sus preferencias entre Wagner y Verdi mientras por debajo de todo este enfrentamiento subyacía la defensa de los paños de Sabadell frente a los tejidos ingleses provenientes de Manchester. Ha llovido mucho desde entonces y la floreciente industria del textil catalán ha ido disminuyendo a la par que nuevas sagas familiares han sustituido a aquellos Rius que tan bien retrató en sus novelas Ignacio Agustí. Hoy son otros los “Rius” catalanes que siguen creando riqueza, y lo que es más importante, trabajo en el país y entre ellos destaca Isak Antic creador de MANGO, una empresa catalana al cien por cien.

Este año se cumplen veinticinco desde que MANGO abrió su primera tienda en pleno Paseo de Gràcia barcelonés, era en 1984 y pronto se abrieron otras tiendas en Barcelona para al año siguiente comenzar la expansión nacional inaugurando una primera tienda MANGO en Valencia. En 1992 con Barcelona inmersa en plena celebración olímpica la marca ya había extendido su nombre a más de 100 tiendas distribuidas por toda España comenzando ese mismo año su expansión internacional con la apertura de dos tiendas en el vecino Portugal para cinco años después abrir las puertas de su primera tienda parisina en un momento en el que ya el volumen de negocio internacional superaba a los números del nacional. Al año siguiente, 1998, MANGO se convertía en la segunda empresa española en volumen exportador siguiendo con su expansión a lo largo del mundo abriendo tiendas en Londres y en pleno Soho neoyorquino. Hoy MANGO está presente con más de 1200 tiendas en más de 90 países a lo largo del planeta, desde Ciudad de El Cabo hasta Pekín y Shangai sin olvidar los países latinoamericanos ni los del mundo árabe.

La empresa emplea a cerca de 8.000 personas en todo el mundo, el 85 % mujeres, con una media de edad de 28 años. En su sede central de la localidad barcelonesa de Palau-solità de Plegamans en los 150.000 metros cuadrados de su sede trabajan cerca de 1.900 empleados y justo enfrente de este gran entramado industrial está el Hangar Desing Center inaugurado el año 2007 y donde en sus 10.000 metros cuadrados, el centro de diseño más grande de Europa, trabajan 600 personas dedicadas por completo a crear moda cada día.

Pero el éxito empresarial no llega caído del cielo, a la tenacidad y esfuerzo de Isak Antic y sus colaboradores hay que añadir una filosofía empresarial que les ha puesto en la autopista del triunfo. Para MANGO las personas son lo más importante junto a la mejora continua como base de la gestión diaria potenciando la formación permanente de todo su personal con lo cual se crea un clima que facilita la aportación de nuevas ideas sin olvidar algo tan importante en el mundo de la empresa como la autocrítica constante. La firma nació con un concepto muy claro, querían vestir a la mujer moderna y urbana en sus necesidades diarias y esta es la fórmula que, con éxito, han analizado, adecuado y aplicado en todos los países en los que MANGO está presente. Hoy han ampliado su mercado también al segmento masculino con la aparición de su colección para hombre a la que han bautizado como HE Homini Emerito. Además de los diseñadores de la casa que preparan sus colecciones desde el Hangar Desing Center con la empresa colaboran diseñadores externos con creaciones realizadas expresamente y de manera puntual para la firma como, entre otros, el neoyorquino Adam Lippe, la belga Sandrina Fasoli ganadora de la primera edición de El botón-Mango Fashion Awards o la oscarizada Penélope Cruz junto con su hermana Mónica.
MANGO, firma de capital español al cien por cien, no sólo crea moda, también dedica una parte de sus esfuerzos y capital a la búsqueda y apoyo de nuevos e innovadores valores en esta industria que mueve millones de euros a lo largo de todo el mundo y para ello creó los premios El Botón-Mango Fashion Awards que cada dieciocho meses premian a un joven creador de moda. En esta segunda edición se presentaron a la fase clasificatoria más de 200 diseñadores procedentes de todas las partes del mundo, de ellos diez fueron declarados finalistas y sus trabajos se han presentado al público expuestos al aire libre en el Paseo de Gràcia de Barcelona entre los días 27 de abril y 2 de mayo. Un jurado presidido por el prestigioso diseñador Oscar de la Renta y formado por Nina García directora de la revista Marie Claire EE.UU.; Laura Larbalestier del departamento de compras de Selfridges; Armand Hadida responsable de la conocida boutique de París L’Ëclaireur; Tiziana Cardini; Jean Jacques Picart gran asesor de moda; Verónica Blume una de las modelos españolas con más fama internacional; Jerry Hall conocida maniquí de la década de los 80; los ganadores de la primera edición del concurso, Sandrina Fasoli y Michaël Marson; Mariano Vivanco fotógrafo de moda y por parte de MANGO Isak Andic, su Presidente, y Damián Sánchez Socio-Consejero y Director Creativo, se reunió en Barcelona para otorgar el premio al coreano Lee Jean Youn que se ha inspirado para las 10 creaciones presentadas a concurso en las obras Michelangelo y en los corsés y torsos del Siglo XIX.

Con esta segunda edición El Botón-Mango Fashion Awards se consolida como el premio más importante que se otorga en esta categoría no sólo por el reconocido prestigio de los miembros que forman su jurado sino también por la cantidad de 300.000 euros con la que está dotado, la mayor cantidad ofrecida en un concurso de diseño de moda.

El Hangar Desing Center de MANGO acogió la noche del miércoles a un nutrido grupo de personas relacionadas con el mundo empresarial, caras muy conocidas, gentes de la sociedad catalana y del mundo de la política. La amplia sala, a la que se accedía por un jardín muy cuidado y adornado con grandes velones que daban la bienvenida a los invitados a la fiesta de una forma íntima y acogedora, había sido decorada toda en negro, amplia y rectangular era difícil encontrar tu asiento a no ser por la eficiencia de los chicos azafatos que, también vestidos de negro, sabían a dónde tenían que sentar a cado uno de los invitados. A un lado los representantes de los medios informativos y al otro los especiales invitados en donde la lista es larguísima como en todas las ocasiones en las que Isak Andic nos ha convocado para seguir sus eventos. En el first row se sentaba el Presidente del Jurado del concurso FASHION AWARDS de esta edición, el internacional diseñador Óscar de la Renta, el dominicano que ha triunfado en el mundo y que en Santo Domingo comparte amistad y negocios con el también internacional cantante español Julio Iglesias, la Duquesa de Montoro, vestida con una escueta falda, cada día Eugenia está más joven y se apunta a enseñar sus bien torneadas piernas, la modelo y mujer de moda Naty Abascal que hace años dejó las pasarelas neoyorquinas pero que aún conserva la figura de la primera modelo española que se hizo un hueco triunfando en Norteamérica, también Mónica Cruz estaba en esa fila sin su hermana, ya sabemos que las hermanas Cruz trabajan para esta firma, y lo que siempre nos sorprende es que en una fiesta con tantas personas en las que se les valora el trabajo bien hecho nunca Penélope, tan ligada a MANGO, haya tenido un hueco para estar presente en este evento. En representación de la Generalitat (ahora ya muy puestos en apoyar la moda desde el podio del poder político) estaba el Ilustre señor Carod Rovira, lo escribo tal y como rezaba en el sitio donde se sentó, llegó acompañado de su mujer y de su seguridad, Olivia de Borbón iba espléndida vestida de oscuro pero con unos zapatos rosa chicle haciendo honor a la casa que la invitaba, ese mismo día Hola había publicado las primeras fotografías posando con su novio Sebastián Palomo Danko (¡catorce páginas¡), Alejandra Prat con una insinuante barriga de tres meses de embarazo al lado de su marido, la modelo de los ochenta, y ex mujer del Rolling Stone Mick Jaegger, Jerry Hall, así como la modelo Riley Keough Presley nieta del rey del rock y Marie-Ange Casta hermana de la actriz francesa Laetitia Casta. Y más, me falta espacio para comentar conversaciones y situaciones.

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Shame not a single English article is circulated around the web, yet.
They also mention her as Riley Keough Presley :joker:



They did an interview with Riley in Spain where she says she is currently single, her and Ryan broke up. I posted the whole interview on my forum, it's translated from Spanish to english, it's not the best, but it's her most revealing interview to date. Smile



^ yeah, they are officially seperated. I think they are still good friends though... Cool



I made the translation from online dictionary!


Riley Keough Presley: "I have gone over to my grandmother Priscilla (PUBLISHED SUNDAY)

Before going I say, politely, that I should not ask anything about Scientology, creed which professed seen the interview, nor about alleged relationships. Sitting next to Riley, who first visit to Spain, found her publicist and a friend, and are not willing to stand up. In the background is the translator of the listener. Another of these interviews full of political commissars ... It is as if the granddaughter of Elvis Presley (19 year old, blonde, candid, seemingly shy and scared a) the press will go to infect swine flu. So I am surprised that she has not placed a mask.
QUESTION: Riley, what name so ... original. Does it mean anything?
ANSWER: I'm Irish. Well, I was born in Los Angeles, but my father (the musician Danny Keough) is Irish. And I had a name that comes from Ireland.
Q: And your last name is pronounced ...
R: 'Kio', is also Irish.
Q: But you use more Presley.
A: No, no. Presley is the maiden name of my mother. I am Riley Keough, pure and simple.
Q: So in your face is something of your famous grandfather.
R: See? I do not need the name (laughs). I take writing in the face.
Q: Has worked for Dior, Dolce & Gabbana ... ¿Mango is not too casual for you?
A: Absolutely not. It is an honor that I have chosen the image. I love to make quality clothing at a good price.
Q: In one month turns 20. Would you like to move to the score?
A: Well ... The truth is that I love being a 'teenager'. I'm not exactly looking forward to meet the twenty.
Q: What good is being an adolescent?
A: It lets you do more nonsense ... Just kidding.
Q: Teens often difficult.
A: It is not my case. I've never been a difficult teenager. Seriously, I've always been pretty good girl. I have my moments of rebellion, but in general I have been obedient.
Q: Your mother, Lisa Marie Presley, despite having been a rebel, has a reputation for being very strict on their children's education.
A: It is. Even the 18 years she put many limits, such as not arriving home late. But now I have the majority, I am an adult.
Q: Is it true that the parade 14 years in Milan against the will of his mother?
A: Not really. But it is true that at first she was very skeptical. Was concerned that the business of fashion can be a tough environment for a child. In the end, agreed.
Q: You worked with Kate Moss. How is it?
A: Great. I love it.
Q: Do you want to look like her?
A: I have thought about doing this for the rest of my life. I do not know very well what I am going to dedicate ...
Q: What music, perhaps?
A: I love playing the piano, but I never devoted to music in a professional manner.
Q: To avoid comparisons?
R: So because I never thought about being a singer. Yes I wanted to be a classical pianist. But it was not difficult because I learned music theory. I play the piano by ear. I guess it was something in the genes ...
Q: Elvis, your grandfather, is a myth. For you too?
A: It seems strange that, no. I feel for him so any grandchild feels towards his grandfather, except, of course, for that little ... difference.
Q: You have known, but what image is it?
A: At home I was never said: "This was your grandfather and was a big myth." Just grew up with it, seeing it everywhere. And finally accepted as something natural. Of course, I admire. I love his music. I grew up with it. It is something that is still alive.
Q: The music or your grandfather?
A: (Laughs) His music, of course, not him.
Q: Do you understand the fanaticism around Graceland?
A: Sure. It seems crazy, but logical, because he did something really big.
Q: You landed on several front pages with your mother and grandmother, Priscilla. Is there something in common in women Presley?
A. In regard to personality? No. We are totally different. My mother is probably the strongest of the three. My grandmother is sweeter. I've gone over it.
Q: Your mother has been married several times ...
(Here the journalist involved, with a dry cut, "Please ask to talk fashion," ordering).
Q. Riley, does not want to answer that?
A. Well, I wanted to ask what exactly?
Q: If you are afraid to pass him like your mother in their marriages with Nicholas Cage and Michael Jackson, which lasted only a few months.
A: I do not know. I have not thought of marrying.
"No boyfriend '

Q: Upon entering, I have been asked not to ask for her boyfriend.
A: You can ask. But at this point is that I am not dating anybody.
Q: I have also been warned not ask about Scientology.
(Again involving the publicist: "Riley, do not answer to that).
A: Excuse me, but is it a secret cult or something? I see Tom Cruise as hidden ...
A: No, no ... (Laughter) Of course, it is no secret. But it is a personal choice and not be able to explain it.
Q: Tell me then, its principles.
A: My principles are: integrity, being faithful to your beliefs and do not hurt other people.
Q: Is a conservative girl?
A: I do not know. Let me think ... I think not much.
Q: Have you recently seen your former stepfather, Michael Jackson?
A: No. I have no contact with him.
Q: What about bad memories?
A: No, no, oh no. All good.

Last edited by Yada on 09.05.09 9:30; edited 6 times in total



Grrr!! they always have to dig for the dirt ....that is soo annoying! Seems as though she's gonna have to deal with the same thing Lisa does, the never-ending questions about their personal life. Why can't they just ask her about her profession:: Modeling/Fashion/Photography? helloooo!

frustrated frustrated



I agree. They were looking for some 'sensational' news. But she has dealt with it, greatly. She didn't seem to mind too much, cause you know, give them an answer, and move on.. Clever girl;



Mango reveals Fashion Awards winner

The winner of the second edition of the el Botón-Mango Fashion Awards is revealed as South-Korean Lee Jean Youn. He received 300,000 euros in prize money, the largest sum offered to date in a competition of this kind. Like the other finalists, the winner, Lee Jean Youn, had five months to create a collection of 10 outfits especially for the event. The other finalists included: Jean Pierre Braganza (United Kingdom), Josh Goot (Australia) and Peter Pilotto (United Kingdom) as well as other international names.
The jury, chaired by Oscar de la Renta, was made up of key figures from the fashion world, including: Nina Garcia, Director of Marie Claire US; Laura Larbalestier, Buyer Designer Womenswear at Selfridges; Spanish model Verónica Blume; American model and actress Jerry Hall; the winners of the first edition of the awards, Sandrina Fasoli & Michaël Marson; Isak Andic, the Chairman of Mango; and Damián Sánchez, Managing Partner and Creative Director of the firm.

During the award ceremony of the el Botón-Mango Fashion Awards, the finalist’s collections were presented on the catwalk followed by the Botón de Oro lifetime achievement award was presented to Oscar de la Renta. As the finale to the evening, the guests viewed the presentation of the Mango Autumn/Winter ‘09 collection. The event was also attended by Riley Keough, the model and granddaughter of Elvis Presley, the model and sister of Laetitia Casta, Marie-Ange Casta, the actor and son of Jeremy Irons, Max Irons, model of the moment Daisy Lowe, the DJ Leight Lezark, and the singer and sister of Beyoncé, Solange Knowles.

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hmmmm, interesting. Riley's friend Dakota is also a model for Mango!

Dakota Johnson for Mango
Monday, 12 January 2009

Dakota Johnson will front mango's SS09 denim line MNG Jeans. The 19-year-old, daughter of actors Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith, will appear in a series of images wearing Mango's rock chic denim collection in the new catalogue.

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Born in Texas in 1989 and brought up in San Francisco, Dakota Johnson launched her modelling career last year and is represented by international modelling agency IMG. The aspiring model has already been a Vogue cover girl. On the collaboration with Mango during their SS09 fashion show held last November in Barcelona, she commented: "It's an honour to work with Mango. I think the collection is great. It is very chic and elegant, while at the same time cool and casual."

Dakota is a huge fan of iconic Hollywood actress Audrey Hepburn and her unique style. The young it-girl is currently attending acting school in the States, and does not rule out the idea of creating her own fashion line in the future.

Famous faces front Mango

Spanish fashion firm Mango is known for its front row full of famous faces. Dakota Johnson, Sandy Meyer, Camila Alves, Mónica Cruz, Naty Abascal, Ariadne and Aida Artiles, and Julia and Vladimir Restoin are just a selection of guests who attended the international presentation of Mango’s SS09 collection and the party that followed, which featured a performance from Kate Ryan. An all-star cast including Ariadne and Aida Artiles, Camila Alves, Sheila Márquez, Jon Kortajarena, Nuno Lopes and Miguel Iglesias showed the new Mango collection ‘A Playground of Dreams’.

Dakota Johnson, daughter of the actors Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson, said: “I love Mango clothes, I feel very comfortable in them and their jeans are my favourite garment."

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Can't Stop Postin'
Can't Stop Postin'

Yeah, Dakota works for Mango as well. I wrote about it earlier. You can see her pictures at [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
She´s done the jeans.



Daisy Lowe is Mango's new girl

You can always rely on Mango to call on an array of glamorous girls for its ad campaigns, and this season it has not one, but five.

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Brit It model Daisy Lowe joins Misshapes DJ Leigh Lezark, Elvis Presley's granddaughter Riley Keough, Marie Ange Casta (sister of Laeticia Casta) and Spanish actress, Clara Lago.

The quintet add to a star-studded array of Mango models, which most famously include Penelope and Monica Cruz



Mango Sign Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson has signed on to become the new brand ambassador for Mango.

The Spanish retailer seems to be on fire with the celebrity signings at the moment, having bagged the lovely Scarlett for their new ad campaign.

Speaking about Scarlett's new appointment, Mango told WWD: "She's Mango's ideal urban woman, independent and cosmopolitan".

In the new shots, Scarlett is back to her blonde best, sporting a short shaggy style and posing in some sexy fashion from the famous brand.

Scarlett replaces her friend and co-star, Penelope Cruz for the new AW09 campaign, after the Vicky Christina Barcelona actress fronted the brand for four seasons.

Shot by Mario Sorrenti, Scarlett will join Daisy Lowe, Leigh Lezark, Riley Keough and Marie Ange Casta who are also slated to appear in the upcoming ads.

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Slice of mango

With so much talk of fashion labels in financial strife, stores closing down and cutbacks, here is a fashion story that will hopefully make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Local designer Jaeha Alex Kim's designs are set to be sold in Mango stores. This is a big deal.

Quite a massive deal in fact. For those of you who are fashion illiterate or just a little bit clueless when it comes to European chains, Mango is big-time.

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Walk down a street in Spain and you'll see a Zara, you'll see an H&M, and you'll see a Mango. Walk five more minutes, and you'll see another Mango. Penelope Cruz has done a line for them with her sister, they have "it-girls" like Daisy Lowe, Julia Restoin-Roitfeld and Elvis' granddaughter Riley Keough in their ad campaigns, and there are currently 1223 Mango stores around the world.

Needless to say, the opportunity for a New Zealand designer to have that sort of mass international exposure is, well, priceless.

The 23-year-old Auckland based designer was one of 10 finalists in the recent El Boton-Mango Fashion Awards, and was flown to Barcelona last month where his designs were judged by a panel that included Oscar de La Renta, model Jerry Hall and Project Runway's Nina Garcia.

Kim may not have won the first place prize money - that went to another Korean-born designer, Lee Jean Youn - but the judges were so impressed with Kim's collection that they decided to produce it for their flagship stores anyway (along with the winner's collection).

The range is a variation of the collection Kim showed at Air New Zealand Fashion Week at St Matthews in the City last year. Called "Call Me Princess, My Daddy Says So", Kim says the collection is based around the idea of "a girl standing in front of a shattered mirror, looking at herself and her parents; and she gets kind of gloomy". Deep huh? That translates into a clash of the dark and naive; lots of ribbons, draping, shirts and Kim's signature jean with shattered glass detailing. He will produce a higher end version of the range to sell in New Zealand and Australia.

The Mango trip was clearly a memorable one for Kim, who is typically low-key and humble about the experience. At the awards after-party, he rubbed shoulders with model and fashion magazine favourite Daisy Lowe ("She looked so normal."), V Magazine's Steve Gunn, Nina Garcia ("really laid-back; very understated.") and Beyonce's sister, Solange Knowles - "I have not heard of her".

"You kind of get numbed by them [celebrities]. At first I was like, oh my God, Nina! But then you look around and it's like, they are human after all; they still giggle in the corner with their girlfriends." Kim seems far more excited when talking about meeting and bonding with the other finalists, designers from Britain, Australia, Germany, Spain and Belgium. "I learnt so much from meeting them. I wasn't practising with using a lot of materials as a designer, but now I'm going to expand. I'm going to produce smaller, tighter collections, but using amazing materials...

"It's good to challenge yourself again and again. I think I had to go out of New Zealand to come back and feel refreshed."

Since Kim's memorable Air New Zealand Fashion Week show in 2007 - where he presented a collection inspired by the film Edward Scissorhands - he's been described as one of the most exciting graduates to recently emerge from the local fashion schools, fashion's wunderkind, and yes, the Next-Big-Thing. Hype and pressure were palpable, with, at times, a disproportionate amount of attention put on the designer.

There was a recent newspaper article in the Sunday papers about money problems, which seems slightly ridiculous when everyone is currently struggling to some degree.

But that is now beside the point: Kim says he has paid off his debt, is shrugging off the pressure and Tall Poppy Syndrome, and is moving forward. This Mango coup has helped his confidence, and bank balance. "There were so many times I regretted having my own label; I always wanted to work under someone. But now I kind of go, 'you know what? It's good I did my own thing'."

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